Biomimicry at Its Best
Intelligent • Living • No-Till

Organic & All Natural
Certified organic and all-natural ingredients make every bag home to a nutrient and mineral rich mini-ecosystem that feeds and breathes life into the soil.

Earth Friendly
Soil made environmentally creates soil sustainability, and that is good for you, your family, and the environment.

Made in Tennessee
Hand-crafted in Tennessee with locally sourced ingredients.
Healthy Plants Start Here
Intelligent Living Soil by Native Soil Company imitates nature in its truest form…an all-natural, synthetic-free, living, and breathing ecosystem in your own pot or bed. Living soil is created by the decomposition of plant and animal materials, along with the inoculation with beneficial bacteria, mycelium, and organic inputs to create a nutrient and mineral rich mini-ecosystem with microorganisms that feed your plants and breathe life into the soil. Living soil is how soil exists in nature. Before chemicals were added and synthetic ingredients depleted the soil of its natural power, this is how soil existed. Think of the forest floor. Leaves and trees fall, fruits and vegetables grow and are eaten, animals feed and leave waste and gut bacteria. All of this creates a power-packed foundation for future growth. It creates a soil that is “living.”

1.5 cubic ft Bags Available
Learn more about what’s in our living soil or purchase bags from our online store.